No it's okay hear me out this one's a NIGHTMARE woooOOoOoOoOoOoo.
Kay so it starts out at my house or a really uncomfortable blend of past houses I've been in, and I'm having a party YEEAAHHHH WOOOOOOOO so naturally in this kind of craaazy situation I sit down with a couple of friends tv.
So yeah we're watching Whose Line is it Anyway but not because it has some weird taste testing thing incorporated into it? (Whose Meal is it Anyway?) And I'm watching myself in it on live broadcasting? Like at first I dismiss it as a lookalike, but not only does he look like me, he talks, acts, and seems utterly disinterested in what's going on and is only there to screw around with the other me.
Yeah so a whole lot of fucking nothing happens for a while, but then I start hearing noise, cheering and clapping and music and whatnot, I go outside and it's... everyone.
Literally everyone I have ever met is there.
Just dancing.
And I'm pretty sure it's the greatest thing ever.
Like it's not just everyone I KNOW, it's everyone I KNOW OF. Friends, family, youtube personalities (you haven't LIVED until you've seen Totalbiscuit krumping, by the way.) hell even fictional characters (no one ever brought up how that's possible but sure that's fine.)
Seeing this bizarre spectacle, I immediately walk back inside, I'm missing my boring-ass show.
Fffffffuck you, me.
I walk back upstairs, and I notice that all my friends are gone (maybe they're all off dancing? one of them's in the bathroom just next to my room, the light's on so...) I also notice that it's dead silent.
I can't hear any of the people outside anymore, the tv's off, the lights are off (save for the bathroom which is the only thing just barely illuminating the room I'm in.
Okay, little fun fact about me: I HATE the quiet, like not the peaceful kind of quiet where you can tell there are things going on around you. It's dead fucking silence I'm terrified of. Also the dark, yeah, fuck the dark? It's why I'm not much of a night person because silence and dark go hand in hand at that time like motherfuckin' gravy and skittles the point is I DO NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL.
So at this point I'm not even daring myself to move an inch, when I hear knocking at my door, I'm sure it's one of my friends and I immediately rush to open it.
That's when a zombie teenage girl (that I might have been able to recognize had she not have been decomposing.) looks at me with the creepiest face ever. "I WAS IN THAT BATHROOM FOR FIFTEEN YEARS, BRANDON."
That line was ridiculous to me even then, not even in one of the scariest scenarios possible for me could I not be scared because of that fucking line.
And then I woke up, or something. Admittedly the next four or so hours are a fucking mess for me. It might have been about three instances of me waking up inside a nightmare with me waking up in real life between that. I couldn't fucking tell you even if I tried. I'd 'wake up' to knocking at my door, then I'd be walking around investigating 'my room' finding dead bodies in my closet and portals to another dimension as my doors. I might have been scaring the shit out of someone by walking around my house at 5am or I might have never left my bed, the jury's out on that one. I don't really think I want to know either.
The last nightmare I can remember revolves playing TF2 with
THESE FAGGOTS which is weird because I don't even like TF2 or THOSE FAGGOTS but that's cool that's fine. We're playing on a map that I honestly don't think actually exists. It's a dock that's nearly pitch black, you can see like 5ft in front of you. It would be kinda cool if it wasn't terrifying.
And you know it was kind of fun, there was banter and whatnot, you'd kill someone and then beg they come back immediately because goddamn is it scary up in here.
Eventually because I'm the best TF2 player ever the three of them ganged up on me and I had no choice but to pull off the most amazing badassery ever, KILLED EM ALL IN ONE HIT EACH. Save for the last guy that tried hacking but fuck that guy he CAN'T BEAT ME. YOU READING THIS, MOTHERFUCKER?
Anyway, after my glorious victory I couldn't help but notice that they all ragequit. And I was stuck in that server.
By myself.
In the dark.
I think I was using an oculus rift or something because 1. I had been playing the game through my eyes the whole time and 2. I had no idea how to open the menu and leave. So I was stuck wandering forever.
And I know something utterly horrifying happened at the very end of the nightmare before I woke up for realsies. But I don't remember, it's a trauma thing I guess. All I remember was this looking at me.