Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween Spooky Story Spectacular

I'm sure you've noticed among the many other paranoid delusions that I've created, one of them stands quite tall (metaphorically) above the others. Going so far as to dominate my every action in MineCraft. I am talking of course, of my pumpkin companion, Wilson.

The Wilson joke originated on Hatfilm's MineCraft 1.6 trailer,

Which in turn was inspired by that movie Castaway or something. I just started naming every pumpkin I met Wilson, and what was once a harmless in-joke became an all-consuming monster of sanity.

His legend continued, not only did I have to include my pumpkiny friend in every house I built, but we also had a church and even a small town in his honour. There was no escape from my silent sidekick, until one day...

On a MineCraft GameArena server, my friends and I were building a prosperous city as no one really  likes GameArena so we pretty much had the server all to ourselves. That night, everything seemed pretty harmless, until one of my friends frantically started yelling at me, saying an Enderman had made his way into my house. I hurried up the stairs and there he stood, holding Wilson in his blocky hands.

The only reasonable way to react, of course. Was just to angrily beat the Enderman with sticks until he submitted to our authoritah. But he teleported away and Wilson was never seen again. At least, not in MineCraft.

But it couldn't stop there, Halloween was approaching that year, and for a long time I had wanted to carve a face into a real life pumpkin. And it seemed more than sensible to carve good ol' Wilson's face into it.

And obviously, I did.

And he became my new best friend, as there was no competition at the time. I confided in him, trusted him, and even played chess with him once. (He won) Unfortunately, the life expectancy of a pumpkin is surprisingly short, and about a week or two in, we had to throw him away. It was one of the saddest things that ever happened to me, I vowed never to enjoy Halloween again and instead just spend the whole day killing things in his name...kind of like how I do every day...for all kinds of other reasons.

So that's the legend of Wilson, which still isn't entirely over, in MineCraft he still hangs around my house, usually just staring at me sympathetically, it creeps me out sometimes, usually I don't even put him there...

(If you were hoping for an actual scary story, Wilson has joined the voices in my head, telling me to burn things, that's pretty spooky.)

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Objectively speaking scrolling down this far was your first mistake.

What are you doing here, really?