Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Cancelled RT6 Strips

YUP. RT6 has gotten so crazy that we officially have CUT CONTENT

I drew half a comic back in January and then TAFE ruined my life and as I gear up for the big boy comic again I fucking hate what I have now and am going to start over.

But so everyone gets their fix of Ryan Takanashi goodness I'll just show you some of it.

But I'm saving the best jokes for the new comic so there may not be many laughs.

Okay so originally we were going to start off with some wacky racers shit as the boys race to Thomas' house for a game of Yu-Gi-Oh

And then some really wacky antics happen but you can't see 'em.

Just know that tensions rise.

But who was really at the door? Guess you'll never find out, asshole!

Okay everyone knows who it was because this is the civil war arc.


And that's all she wrote for now, now fuck outta my house you crazy addicts.

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Objectively speaking scrolling down this far was your first mistake.

What are you doing here, really?