Now that we're in preseason and everything is in total fucking chaos, the meta is all over the place with some champions finding stupidly OP power surges (Like Warwick, they did nerf him but his kit is still cringy.) and all the new champions are either ridiculously buggy, (Azir) needlessly complicated, (Kalista) or just plain useless. (Rek'Sai) I'm really glad that some part of Riot Games has their priorities straight.
A lot of the older champions look like fucking garbage (like Kennen, Poppy, Mundo, Tristana, Morgana and of course FIDDLESTICKS-senpai) so of course there's a lot to fix and Riot Games (Responsible for League of Legends like the biggest competitive online game ever) can't do everything at once with what their 3 man team. So Alistar is OBVIOUSLY the highest priority on the VU board.
Not this guy.
Or this girl.
It's the moose.
Thank you again, Riot.
For being the best game company ever.