I'm in my bed, I can't sleep. I've been staring at my clock for what feels like hours, but it never changes. Is the goddamn thing broken? Fuck, I really don't need that right now.
I'm hearing a lot of noises, but I'm paranoid so I'm used to it. Scratching at my wardrobe door? I'm fine. Clattering and banging from upstairs? I can dig it. The Toreador March- Wait. The Toreador March?
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
The door swings open, and there he stands. It's Freddy. We stare at each other for a solid minute before he slowly makes his way toward me, now inches from my face his mouth opens and in the most creepy, mechanical voice I've ever heard he whispers.
"Are... You... Ready... For...
Your hot chocolate?"
Wait. What the fuck? You're not serious.
"We heard you haven't been sleeping well lately and, well. We've all been pretty worried about you." He motions towards the door, I can see Chica staring at me intensely. But where's...
"BonnIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He straight up ends the word with the death scream from the game. Fuck fuck fuck my heart skipped a beat.
I can hear someone coming down the stairs, Bonnie enters the room.
NyeehhhHHHHHHH he's scary.
"Would you go make Brandon a cup of hot chocolate? One of your best please."
Bonnie turns his head towards me for a second, then lurches back upstairs.
"There, that should help. Oh, we kicked Foxy out into your garden- you know how he gets. Don't let him in, whatever you do."
And with that, Freddy leaves and closes the door behind him.
This isn't fucking happening, this nightmare is just an extremely tense bait-and-switch, we all know what's going to happen, just never when.
I look to my window, and I can see Foxy.
FFFFFUCK, his eyes burn into my soul.
We exchange glances, but I look away and try my best to ignore him.
Minutes pass, I can still feel Foxy's eyes on me, I'm starting to get nervous.
Then I hear knocking at my window.
"Psst. Hey. Hey. HEY. C'mere matey."
I don't want to, but I do it anyway, would Foxy really try anything?
"Open the door, lad. I won't go hurtin' ye."
Out of guilt, I agree to it. I sneak out of my room and to the back door, I don't see any of the other animatronics around.
I can see Foxy's face through the window. I didn't think suits like that could smile. But I swear he was.
I slowly turn the doorknob just slightly, but that's all he needed. He immediately bursts through the door and gives me what I can only assume to be a very violent hug, but I woke up.
That morning, I check steam and Five Night's at Freddy's 2 is now available.
Now, I'm not saying I'm a prophet. A godlike entity that should be worshipped as I unwillingly predict events. I'm not saying that. I'm just implying it.